Ts and Ps to This Woman Who's Struggling To Find a Job for Some Reason

Look, I understand the economy is tough right now. There are plenty of people out there looking for jobs and many have certainly not gotten ones they thought they should have though no fault of their own.

This is not one of those instances.

Are we really going to pretend like you have no idea what could have been the issue here? This woman says having tattoos has no correlation to the type of employee someone is going to be and she's actually correct. But having your entire face and torso altered to look like a viral marketing attempt for the local tattoo and piercing business might give an employer a bit of pause before putting you at the front of a TJ Maxx to welcome customers into the store.

But I don't want to pile on. Instead, I'd actually like to try to help this woman. I have compiled a list of places I think she should look to apply where her appearance might be more of an asset than a hinderance:

- The tattoo parlor where she had all that work done in the first place

- That salon on TikTok where the hairdresser asks every customer their pronouns and if it's ok to touch them, as if they haven't walked into a place where it is required they be touched

- The gender studies department at most universities in America

- Any coffee shop in Oregon

If all of those fail to produce a job for this young woman, that's a sign this economy is even worse than we think.

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